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Andrew Rushmer
- What’s your FTP? My FTP are 268 watt
- Best cycling memory? It is probably coming 10th in the Hampshire hilly hundred about 10 years ago.
- Your biggest strength as a cyclist? Well, I have always been regarded as a climber plain and simple, but my best result is have actually normally been in time trials, and according to Zwift I am a pursuiter first (whatever that means), followed by a puncheur and a climber.
- Something unique about you? My surprising hobby is that I have been in a few book clubs – how boring is that! I get through about 6 – 8 audiobooks a month as I listen to them on long training rides (and at other times of course).
- Cycling superhero name? I don’t think I would ever qualify for a cycling superhero nickname.
- Why did you start e-cycling? In terms of why I started e-cycling, I started during lockdown. I had always wanted to give it a go, mainly because I am a climber, but have a chronic fear of heights, so I can’t go climbing IRL. So, I really wanted to give e-cycling ago so that I could sort of experience the big mountain.
- Any guilty pleasures? Guilty pleasure is definitely vegan ice cream
- Ultimate cycling goal? Well, I think getting to the end of a SRC without thinking I am about to die! No, I just want to help the team do well really.